* VIRTUAL EVENT * Champix PGD training event

The Varenicline (Champix) PGD training will equip pharmacists with the knowledge and skills on its use and where it fits in the local stop smoking treatment

Day: Wednesday 20th January 2021
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Address: TBC - Details provided when booking in

The items covered during the evening include:

  1. The PGD documents and supporting documents
  2. Varenicline use and confidence around counselling
  3. Payment processes
  4. Any other relevant information

To book in please contact Chris McMahon by pressing the blue button at the bottom of the screen

Further information about the service is located on the "Hampshire' page of the 'Locally Commissioned Services & Local information' section of our website:

From this page, open the dropdown box 'Smoking Cessation Service - Hampshire Public Health' for access to all the documents