Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey 2023 

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 6th October 2023

Will open later this month for pharmacies to complete

The Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey 2023 will launch later this month.

This annual survey is part of the community pharmacy regulations. This requirement recognises the priority the NHS places on the community pharmacy workforce, and the importance of collecting consistent, accurate data to support effective workforce planning. 

The survey is led by NHS England and conducted by North of England Commissioning Support Unit (NECS).

As with previous surveys, the data will be collected through two different methods:

  • An online survey; or
  • Via data collection at Head Office level through an Excel spreadsheet.

Pharmacies will be emailed by the NHSBSA, asking them to complete the online survey.

Pharmacies that are part of a group that do not receive an email from the NHSBSA should expect their head office to submit data on their behalf, but if there is any doubt, you are advised to check with your head office.

If you do not received the email contact NHSBSA: